This is gold: "To demand that heaven and hell are more relevant than social services says more about your inadequacies for dealing with the challenges and complexities of life than it does about an atheist’s lack of concern about what happens after death."
I'd even change "heaven and hell" for "spirituality". I'm subscribed to some "non-d…
This is gold: "To demand that heaven and hell are more relevant than social services says more about your inadequacies for dealing with the challenges and complexities of life than it does about an atheist’s lack of concern about what happens after death."
I'd even change "heaven and hell" for "spirituality". I'm subscribed to some "non-duality" communities, and their sanctimony with "I'm apolitical" (probably the dumbest political statement a human can make) often drives me to exasperation.
Fully agree. In the context of this essay, heaven and hell are important, but widening out from that lens, sanctimony exists across the spectrum of beliefs (and non-beliefs), especially, as you mention, when people can pretend that politics don't affect their lives. It's quite a privileged statement to even be able to make.
This is gold: "To demand that heaven and hell are more relevant than social services says more about your inadequacies for dealing with the challenges and complexities of life than it does about an atheist’s lack of concern about what happens after death."
I'd even change "heaven and hell" for "spirituality". I'm subscribed to some "non-duality" communities, and their sanctimony with "I'm apolitical" (probably the dumbest political statement a human can make) often drives me to exasperation.
Fully agree. In the context of this essay, heaven and hell are important, but widening out from that lens, sanctimony exists across the spectrum of beliefs (and non-beliefs), especially, as you mention, when people can pretend that politics don't affect their lives. It's quite a privileged statement to even be able to make.
Hey, thanks for the reply! Fully agree.
Btw, last year I purchased (and read) _Hero's Dose_ 🙌🏼