So many great points in your article..The one thing that doesn’t work for me is your depiction of those of us who need medication, something that was less fine tuned in the fifties and sixties. While most of your article is helpful, I find this part only adds to the stigma that is really not helpful. I, myself had some misunderstanding of psychotropic meds before needing them for a major depressive episode..they are not for numbing but for survival and every bit as needed as any other form of medicine..Thanks and hoping you’ll consider that in future articles.
Thanks, Annie. What you point out was the topic of my last book. I know I only mentioned it in passing in this article, and without context, I completely understand your points above. The conversation revolves around who really needs such medications (as some people do) and how often it's overprescribed (which it often is), especially in lieu of more effective interventions. Thanks for the comment and I'll do better to provide more context in future pieces.
Thank you for considering and I’d caution that unless you have extensive medical knowledge it’s wise not to talk about more effective interventions as medication has been the one thing to save many lives to the best of my knowledge and having tried many other methods to no avail.
So many great points in your article..The one thing that doesn’t work for me is your depiction of those of us who need medication, something that was less fine tuned in the fifties and sixties. While most of your article is helpful, I find this part only adds to the stigma that is really not helpful. I, myself had some misunderstanding of psychotropic meds before needing them for a major depressive episode..they are not for numbing but for survival and every bit as needed as any other form of medicine..Thanks and hoping you’ll consider that in future articles.
Thanks, Annie. What you point out was the topic of my last book. I know I only mentioned it in passing in this article, and without context, I completely understand your points above. The conversation revolves around who really needs such medications (as some people do) and how often it's overprescribed (which it often is), especially in lieu of more effective interventions. Thanks for the comment and I'll do better to provide more context in future pieces.
Thank you for considering and I’d caution that unless you have extensive medical knowledge it’s wise not to talk about more effective interventions as medication has been the one thing to save many lives to the best of my knowledge and having tried many other methods to no avail.
Yes, that's why I interviewed a number of experts for the book.
I hope they were medical experts in good standing.
Appreciate your responses and simply don’t want to see anyone suffer or even die unnecessarily.