what a great retelling of the Epic of Gllgamesh! I still have my original paperback copy somewhere and my fave episode of Star Trek: Next Generation is the one where Picard retells the Epic to his alien companion who speaks only in metaphor. Sokath, his eyes uncovered! Darmok and Jalad on the ocean...
what a great retelling of the Epic of Gllgamesh! I still have my original paperback copy somewhere and my fave episode of Star Trek: Next Generation is the one where Picard retells the Epic to his alien companion who speaks only in metaphor. Sokath, his eyes uncovered! Darmok and Jalad on the ocean...
what a great retelling of the Epic of Gllgamesh! I still have my original paperback copy somewhere and my fave episode of Star Trek: Next Generation is the one where Picard retells the Epic to his alien companion who speaks only in metaphor. Sokath, his eyes uncovered! Darmok and Jalad on the ocean...