I've been seeing some anguished deliberating from people in Gaza about the polio vaccine campaign and immediately thought of Naomi Klein's formulation about getting the facts wrong, but the feelings right.

I'm seeing very muddled anti-vaxx talking points from Westerners who are completely missing the point about why parents in Gaza might have rational fears about the execution of this vaccine campaign and also have very real concerns about polio infection! On the other hand, I'm also seeing some very condescending and aggressive pushback that suggests that any hesitation or questions are simply irrational quackery. The CIA used fake vaccine campaigns (including for the bin Laden operation) until 2014. People in Gaza are experiencing a genocide and they have every reason to be concerned.

It's really upsetting to see discussion of the specifics of this mid-genocide vaccine campaign being drowned out by the same old conspiracies about vaccines.

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The alarm about Polio has come from Palestinian Doctors working in Gaza, so it doesn’t seem to be part of an operation where intelligence agents use a vaccination initiative as cover like what happened in Afghanistan. For myself I have been outraged that some anti-vaxxers have jumped in claiming this is part of the genocidal assault against Palestinians. The Polio vaccine has saved millions of children from death and life altering disability for decades, and to exploit a human tragedy like Gaza to recommend putting an extremely vulnerable population in even more danger is absolutely unconscionable.

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I cannot believe you are still pushing the biological pathogen myth at this stage.

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Loved your interview with Matt! An observation, I might be wrong but didn't one of the kids with the home school mum have a Qanon t-shirt?

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Isn't it mostly left leaning people who are anti-vax? That's been my experience.

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It's both. That's a big part of the focus of Conspirituality for the last 4.5 years.

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Seems *some* right-wingers are anti covid vax but pro the usual vaccines, whereas more on the so called "left" (and apoliticals) are anti-vax in general.

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No it is intelligent responsible people of all persuasions - mostly right leaning.

The left believe all the crappy pseudoscience without questioning.

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Right wingers are against polio vaccines and MMR vaccines?

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As I wrote above, in my experience here in the USA, while *some* right-wingers are anti covid vax,they are pro the regular vaccines. On the other hand, left-leaners and apoliticals tend to be more anti-vax in general - that includes all the traditional vaccines. That was the dialogue we were having before you popped in and didn't read the previous comments.

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I read them. You have it upside down. I’m 59. I’ve studied this for 40 years.

The ones challenging tyrannous over-reach tend to be right wing.

Germ Theory is a dangerous superstition that takes no time to see through.

The left always trust The $cience™️ without question,

All we can do is share the evidence and in my case offer £3000 every day for a single piece of evidence showing infectious pathogens are possible.

3 years. No claimants.

Some (a few) look and find there is none. But instead 220 years of 100% failed transmission experiments.

Most just keep their head in the sand.

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"The left always trust The $cience™️ without question,"

--- That's a sweeping generalizations and one without evidence.

"The ones challenging tyrannous over-reach tend to be right wing."

--- Not in the USA.

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It’s nothing to do with right and left. There are people who understand the devastating damage of pointless vaccinations from all branches of the political spectrum

Left wing tends to comply easily with The $cience.™️

So mostly the push back against the fake pandemic and medical tyranny came from the right.

£1000 to you for one single piece of evidence showing any infectious pathogen has ever existed.

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Keep your anti-vax propaganda off my feed.

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If you watch Roman’s film you will do a U-turn

I’m betting you will remain believing the pseudoscience by not looking.

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You are like all the others. You cling to dangerous fantasy because you refuse to look at the facts.

£3000 to you for one piece of evidence that contagion is possible or has ever occurred.

You won’t supply some because there is no evidence.

Just Ad Hominem is all you’ll respond with.

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Tim, as I wrote above, in my experience here in the USA, while *some* right-wingers are anti covid vax,they are pro the regular vaccines. On the other hand, left-leaners and apoliticals tend to be more anti-vax in general - that includes all the traditional vaccines. That was the dialogue we were having before you popped in and didn't read the previous comments.

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I do recommend reading the report I link to in the article:


It doesn't break down surveys by political affiliation, but you'll see that both belief in and uptake of all vaccines are down across the board.

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