Ok, I have to say - I am extremely grateful to live in a Scandinavian country (Finland) where I never have to even think about health insurance when it comes to something like getting the jab, a flue shot or breast cancer screeening. What an ordeal you and your wife had to go through!

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I'm amazed at the flaws in the Canadian vaccine system too---as well as other obvious failings in the civil service North of the border. I can't help but think that there is a pervasive problem not only with the idiocies of the free market (I'm not trying to undercut anything you said in your article), but with a society that is just becoming too hard to navigate without pervasive assistance by a centralized, computerized bureaucracy.

There is an example of an alternative: Estonia. Most people don't know that the government of this tiny Baltic nation set out to stream line and reduce red-tape as their development strategy and have been remarkably successful in cutting the nonsense you describe out of people's lives. (I wrote an article on this subject a while back---if you take a look, ignore the lengthy initial references to a then current election. See: https://billhulet.substack.com/p/the-estonian-zero-bureaucracy-project-21-09-16 )

Unfortunately, if people were horrified to see the push-back against vaccination, any attempt to stream line our bureaucracies in both Canada and the USA with modern computer tech would make that look like a picnic. :-(

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Thanks for sharing that pain. As you know , Yours is not an uncommon experience in scam America either. My wife was diagnosed with dense breast tissue and went thru more tests and biopsies than needed. A cover everything plan that doesn’t cover everything. We pay extra for dental and vision. Last time I tried to purchase updated prescription lenses using a once every two year $250 benefit, it was buying a used car. If I used my $250 benefit towards the total, it costs more than if I didn’t use the vision benefit right off the street. My Dental plan “covers all cleanings, fillings, etc”. No deductible because we pay extra each month.

For the first time in decades I needed a tooth filling. Nothing more, I am an easy patient. Dentist was great. Just got the bill for $125 for “non-covered” stuff. Wtf.

Capitalism, as in capture and exploit.

The fate off the world is in the hands of fools. I fear it’s not going to get better.


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It's funny you write all of this, as I just found out this morning that as of 2024, my dentist is no longer in network for my dental insurance. So we have to now find another. AND I'm going to the eye doctor on Friday for the first time since moving to Portland, and I fear the the obtuse restrictions around lenses/frames, etc, so I'm really just hoping my prescription hasn't changed. And, of course, my insurance doesn't cover Warby Parker, but does cover some random online eyewear provider whose website looks like it was built in 2001.

It should not be like this. And it's not going to get better. 😔

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I keep telling the grandkids, it wasn’t always like this. My vision benefit doesn’t work for on-line. It’s a conspiracy.

My 83 yr old Mom got hit for $2000 from her checking account because she answers all phone calls. And got hooked for an investment. She has plenty of money if she would just leave it alone and ask for help. She is also stubborn. It was almost $5000 more before discovery last time.

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