“Problems usually arise when someone acquires a little bit of knowledge, which can lead to religious zeal.”

It’s terrifying how succinctly you’ve summed up our current state of the world and how we acquire our news. I’ve had really difficult conversations with friends who are RFK zealots who encourage me to listen to his episode on Joe Rogan because it’s ‘straight from the horses mouth.’ As if podcasts can’t be edited.

It’s become more important than ever to read multiple sources on a topic in order to have a holistic of the situation before commenting on these things. I know I’ve been guilty of shooting from the hip in the past before fully looking into an issue. Content like yours has forced me to slow down due to your long form writing and because you’re providing so much information. Thank you for your work.

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This is the article I wish I was brave enough to put on every RFK supporters wall but I know all that will happen is a shitstorm of accusations and thunderous defense. It hurts me deeply that some of my friends are so deep in that they can't find the ability to consider the other side decaying that they are looking out for their child's health while not even giving them a polio shot.

I appreciate this article and I appreciate your work. Thank you.

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