It's time to talk about Big (Essential) Oil
During Conspirituality 13, we discuss the new Netflix series, Unwell

No, this isn’t a takedown of essential oils. I quite like them.
The pyramid scheme used by companies like Young Living and doTERRA is another story, one covered in the new Netflix series, Unwell.
We discuss these multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes during Conspirituality 13.
In my opening segment, I discuss various chemicals many people put into their bodies without question: Botox, silicone implants, testosterone. I frame this conversation in light of the anti-vaxx community, which uses toxic chemicals as justification for fearing vaccines (a topic we discuss in detail during Conspirituality 10).
For example, if you are against vaccines but use Botox, you have serious self-reflection to do—the TOX in Botox has a meaning, and it’s not “detox.”
Here’s how I end the segment:
A chemical from a natural source is still a chemical. As Paracelsus famously stated, what is toxic in large doses can be healing in lower doses. This is true of every chemical. Let me conclude with one interesting statistic that really drives the point home.
From 2006-2018, there was a total of 7,370 vaccine injury case reports filed in America. 5,151 were compensated. This is out of billions of doses administered.
Now, it’s hard to find national data on the following natural chemicals, but I did discover that in Australia, there were 4,412 cases of damaging essential oil exposures from 2014-2018. As the new Netflix series, Unwell, documents, essential oils, which are marketed as natural, organic, and safe, are the cause of more and more injuries every year, and I don’t see a movement rising up to combat Big Essential Oil.
The number of damaging essential oil exposures occurred over one-third of the timespan as the vaccine caseload, and, as Matthew points out, Australia’s population is roughly one-thirteenth of America (we mistakenly said one-tenth on the podcast).
Julian goes into more depth about the dangers of essential oils and, specifically, how the MLM setup of major oil companies bankrupts entire communities.
To reiterate, this is not a call to abandon essential oils. I have a bottle next to my desk (not Young Living or doTERRA, however).
The business itself, at least on the large-scale, is disturbing. If you enjoy them, wonderful. If you find oils healing, even better. But if you’re trying to create a downline to maximize revenue, which forces others to lose money in this pyramid scheme, there’s a problem.
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